Late News abstract submission: Opens July 21 - Deadline: July 31 (CLOSED)
Follow the indications given below. Add at the end of the email subject "Late News Abstract"
Abstract Format
Please read the instructions carefully and follow the abstract template specifications.
Each contribution will consist of a two-page extended abstract that will be included in the digital Book of Abstracts (pdf) that will be available for download by the registered participants.
The extended abstract should also contain a short abstract (no more than 120 words) which will be included in a program pdf booklet.
Only Microsoft Word or compatible formats are accepted.
Must be typed in a letter size page with 2.5 cm margins on all sides.
Use Times New Roman font.
The first page contains the text with the title at the top of the page followed by the author's names, affiliations and corresponding author.
The text starts with a 120-word short abstract in bold 10-pt font. The body text is in 11 pt font. References in 10 pt font.
The second page is reserved for tables, figures, and their captions (8 pt).
All references must be placed at the end of the first page.
The template contains detailed information, please read it carefully.
We strongly recommend that you use the dedicated template, incorrectly formatted abstracts will be rejected.
Click here to download the abstract template
During the submission process you must fill in the authors list form.
Click here to download the authors list form
Once you have prepared your two-page abstract as indicated, you can continue with the process of abstract submission.
Regular abstract submission ended July 8, 2021.
Abstract submission
The abstract submission process consists of 4 steps:
Step 1. Fill in the online form (below) with information of the corresponding author, the title of the contribution, the text of the short abstract, the conference topic and the type of presentation. After you submit the required information you will receive an email with an abstract code (AbsCODE). You will use it later.
Step 2. Rename the extended abstract file as 21ICMBE_Surname_Name_AbsCODE, with Surname and Name of the corresponding author. Replace AbsCODE with the code that you will receive by email. Rename the authors list file as 21ICMBE_AuthorsList_AbsCODE (docx compatible word file extension). Example with CODE 1451: "21ICMBE_Cho_Alfred_1451.docx" and "21ICMBE_AuthorsList_1451.docx".
Step 3. Make a pdf version of the extended abstract and name it 21ICMBE_Surname_Name_AbsCODE.pdf. Example: "21ICMBE_Cho_Alfred_1451.pdf"
Step 4. Send as attachment the three files (extended abstract docx and pdf files, authors list file) by email to icmbe2020@cinvestav.mx. Write in the email subject "Abstract submission - [name of the extended abstract file]". If your browser and email application allow, a blank email will be automatically generated by clicking here.
Please repeat the whole process if you submit more than one abstract.
Once we verify reception of the three files you will receive a confirmation email.
Late news abstract submission: Opens July 21 - Deadline: July 31 (Closed).
Submit your results obtained after the regular deadline that you consider are of high relevance and interest of the MBE community. Acceptance will be communicated by August 11.
Follow the indications given above. Add at the end of the email subject "Late News Abstract"